Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Have You Reviewed Your Nursing Care Coverage Options?

Did You Even Think About Nursing Care Costs? 

People who are trying to do a good job of making retirement plans were probably concerned about nursing care expenses. While you may have lots of strategies and long term care insurance choices, many people are ignoring the problem all together! There are, indeed, alternative ways to plan for this potential needs. I think that making some allowance for these high costs is part of a good long term care strategy.

You Might Consider Insurance Or An Alternative 

Note that I did mention that alternatives exist. Buying a nursing care policy may not be the best choice for everybody. You may consider some of the choices on the following page:


Some alternatives may be found with other types of insurance, like annuities or life insurance policies with riders for nursing care. Long term care insurance may have some national and state benefits and  tax advantages you are not aware of.